Carrie Seay, Owner, CBCC-KA, MS-CABAC
Nutrition Counselor, Fear Free Certified Professional, Staff Education Consultant

Carrie has always had a passion for working with animals and began fostering stray and semi-feral cats and kittens with her family. They cared for over 100 cats and kittens with different personalities, medical conditions, and behavioral issues. Carrie’s first job was at a veterinary hospital where she worked up from a kennel assistant to a veterinary technician. She worked as a vet tech throughout high school and college. She also worked at doggy daycares and pet stores during that time. She graduated college with her Bachelor’s degree in Biology. After college she continued working as a vet tech and then opened her pet care business, Carrie Pawpins Pet Nanny. She was able to care for many pets with behavioral and medical needs that others were not comfortable taking on. She then moved into a sales role for veterinary and pharmaceutical supplies and had the opportunity to further her education while at that job. She then obtained her Master’s Degree in Companion Animal Behavior Analysis and Counseling (MS-CABAC). With this education she was able to gain knowledge of behavior and learning theory, domestication of pets, and hands on experience by working with Animal Humane New Mexico as well as shadowing a veterinary behaviorist. Carrie enjoys learning about animal behavior, learning theory, low stress handling techniques, and methods to help reduce stress in all situations for pets. She has continued her education and has become a Certified Behavior Consultant (CBCC-KA), a Fear Free Elite certified professional, a PetTech Pet First Aid and CPR Certified Instructor, has earned the Low Stress Handling Silver Certification, and is also a member of the Pet Professional Guild. Carrie is comfortable working with both cats and dogs, but her true passion is educating owners about feline behavior and the importance of proper socialization. Using force-free, scientifically optimized methods Carrie is able to help owners work through behavioral issues or just begin training to maintain and grow the bond that they have with their pets. Carrie currently works with the Jackson Galaxy Project and Greater Good in their Cat Pawsitive Program as a Trainer- Mentor teaching shelters to clicker train and work with behavior issues with their cats. Carrie offers private sessions to cat owners to help with issues such as inappropriate elimination, inappropriate scratching, aggression towards other animals or people, fearful cats, and new cat introductions. She also teaches kitten kindergarten classes, clicker training for cats, puppy and basic dog obedience classes, and offers educational seminars on common behavioral issues for both cat and dog owners.